*[asterisk] no. 72
Blue Cards– archive of missing museum objects (an excerpt)
* no. 72 (In danish: Blå kort -arkiv over forsvundne museumsgenstande (et uddrag)) takes a discerning look and delves down into a group of suspension files containing a large number of the cards which, in professional museum terminology, are referred to as “blue cards”.
These are preprinted cards in landscape A4 format, and they are used – or perhaps it’s more correct to say, they were used – by museums, in connection with registering incoming articles and effects that were slated to be placed in a museum’s collection.
The cards typically include blank spaces for the descriptions of the articles’ origin, function, and materiality, as well as blank fields for introducing the articles into the museums’ shared classifications and systematics, following the precepts of the “Professional Registry for Cultural Historical Museums” (Saglig registrant for kulturhistoriske Museer) also known as “The Green Registry” (Den grønne registrant)
This collection of blue cards stems from the Psychiatric Museum of Nykøbing Sjælland, with which Myne Søe-Pedersen has previously been working, in pieces like Means of Escape, 2020, and Stage, 2020.
What’s so distinctive about this particular collection of blue cards is that the articles and effects about which the cards contain information are gone. No longer can any of these articles be found. In other words, this is an index to records of a collection that does not exist.
* The Editorial Team
Blue Cards– archive of missing museum objects (an excerpt)
Selected as one of the best artistbooks of 2022 in the newspaper Information.